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1505 King Street Ext.

Saturday, May 20th, 1-5pm


  • Lightning talks from experts & citizens

  • Explore sea, marsh & city ecosystems

  • Hands-on science experiences

  • Be a citizen artist & contribute to community art mobiles

  • Info-tables on city planning & resources

  • Small group discussion tables with scientists, city officials & citizens

  • Hiphop, puppet comedy & many more experiences 


KJ Kearney MC's with special guest, Mayor Tecklenburg

 Lightning talks 


Becoming Flood-Resilient Citizen Scientists

·      Kierria & Tonisha, A Participatory Action Research Project with Charleston Development Academy

and the USC Center for Science Education

The King Tide Conundrum – What Causes King Tides & Sunny Day Flooding?

·      Mr. Zach Prouz, College of Charleston, Grice Marine Biology Graduate Program

Water, Water Everywhere – How Much Worse Can It Get?

·      Doug Marcy, NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Mother Earth versus Humans: We Are In This Together

·      Bobbie Lyon, Cultivate SciArt & College of Charleston, Grice Marine Lab Adjunct

Lowcountry on the Edge

·      Victoria Smalls, Director of History, Art and Culture at the Penn Center



Living with Water, Planning for the Charleston Region's Future

·      Dan Burger, S.C. DHEC Ocean and Coastal Resource Management and Charleston Resilience Network

What Is Being Done in Charleston

·     Mark Wilbert, Chief Resilience Officer and Emergency Management Director, City of Charleston

Staying Safe as the Water Rises

·      Jared Smith, @chswx /

Community Knowledge Capacity Building

·      Albert George, South Carolina Aquarium, Resilience Initiative for Coastal Education (RICE)



A Community Narrative on Environmental Justice, Community Resilience and Climate Change

·     Omar Muhammad, Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities

Thinking About Transportation Differently

·      Councilman Mike Seekings

Go Green, Healthy & Local via Urban Community Gardens

·      Germaine Jenkins, Fresh Future Farm

The Power of Collective Action

·      Jennifer Saunders, College of Charleston, Environmental Studies Adjunct & In Place Impact Coordinator

Envisioning Our Grandchildren’s Future

·      Carolee Williams, City of Charleston Department of Planning, Preservation, & Sustainability

Live Performances

Charleston Development Academy Speak up for a Hip Hop Marsh

·  Featuring the 8th grade at CDA, working with USC's Dr. Merrie Koester and videographer Lamar Hunter present their music video about the impacts and consequences of filling and paving a salt marsh

Moon Phases to Bruno Mars

·      Featuring Simmons Pinckney Middle School 8th grade & Mary Adamson Adeogun

Water Dance 

·      Featuring DanceFX

Explore Sea, Marsh & City Ecosystems

 with hands-on science, art, community resources & discussions


Live Plankton: Diversity & Biological Carbon Cycle - Grice Marine Lab & friends

From a Drop of Seawater - Cultivate & Bowdoin College Marine Science Students

Grice Marine Biology Critter Tubs - Grice Marine Lab & friends

What is a Greenhouse Gas? - Grice Marine Lab & friends

Carrying Our Carbon Weight - College of Charleston & DNR 

The Ocean-Climate Connection - Cultivate Community Science Art

Wade In the Water - John Duckworth

Staying Safe as the Water Rises - Jared Smith, @chswx /



Earth, Moon, Sun & Tides w/ hula hoops - Grice Marine Lab, CDA & friends

Estuary Pollution & Solutions - Charleston Waterkeepers

Live Oysters at Work - Grice Marine Lab & friends

Oyster Bed Restoration - DNR, SCORE

Spartina: Nature’s Sponge & Brita - Ashley Hall 4th grade

Save Our Creek Photo Montage:  CDA Students engage in action research about salt marsh ecosystem services with USC Center for Science Education and Awakening V STEAM mentors

How to Advocate for Change - Coastal Conservation League

Stewards of Shorebirds & Swamps - SC Audubon Society



GHG and "friends" of GHG's: A Local Story of Zoning Effects - College of Charleston & LAMC

Grassroot Seed Bombs - Fresh Future Farms, LAMC, In Place Impact & Charleston #GoodSharing Movement

Charleston Past & Present - Historic Charleston Foundation, Jared Bramblett & Friends

City Sea-Level Rise Viewer - City of Charleston & Charleston Resilience Network

Where Does the Water Go When it Rains in the City - City of Charleston

Stormwater Management & Low-Impact Development - Davis & Floyd

RICE, Sea-Level Apps & Clay Models  -- SC Aquarium, Resilience Initiative for Coastal Education

Citizens Building Smart Transit - Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit

Two-wheeled Transportation - Charleston Moves & Gotcha

Water Wise Gardening - Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium & Clemson Extension

Native Plants - Dr. Richard Porcher, Celie DaileyRoots & Shoots Nursery

Rain Garden Tours - JR Kramer

From Cement to Photosynthesis - Josh Robinson Design

Power of Wind - Clemson Wind Turbine Testing Facility

Powering via the Sun - Solarize SC


Didn't make it or want an encore?  Check out our lightning talks on youtube.

Flood-Resilient Citizen Scientists
Kierria & Tonisha, Charleston Development Academy
Two 8th grade students explain how they became flood-resilient citizen scientists, and how you can to!

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Water, Water Everywhere - How Much Worse Can It Get?
Doug Marcy, NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Looking to the future, this video explains projections for sea level rise in the next 30 - 100 years.

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King Tide Conundrum - What Causes Sunny Day Flooding?
Zach Prouz, College of Charleston's Grice Marine Graduate Student
Ever wonder what King Tide means? To enact change it is important to first understand what causes the problem.

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Mother Earth Versus Humans: We Are In This Together
Bobbie Lyon of CULTIVATE & College of Charleston's Grice Marine Lab 
Dr. Lyon gives a global overview of climate change and Earth's warming patterns and reminds us that we are all in this together!

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Lowcountry on the Edge
Victoria Smalls, Director of History, Arts & Culture at the Penn Center
This talk shares how the Gullah-Geechee community of St. Helena Island is impacted by sea level rise.

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Living with Water: Planning for the Charleston Region's Future
Dan Burger, DHEC
The future of flooding in Charleston is explained by DHEC's Dan Burger, who offers a global perspective and potential solutions to our local issues.

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